Have you seen my Beginning Animal Communication Workshop Video? This is a good way to hone your animal communication skills while practicing being in true kinship with animals.

So many of us are working on seeing animals as kin and eager to pass that perspective and energy on to others as well as future generations.

I can help you accomplish that!

My Beginning Animal Communication Workshop Video gives you solid ways to help your dream of building relationship with animals come true. Part of the animal communication/true kinship journey is questioning everything you’ve been taught about relationship with animals. In a world that believes “it’s just an animal” that’s to be expected. This video shows an alternative way of being with animals while living in that world. It shows you skills needed, helps you build those skills and gives you personal practice time.

To those already familiar with animal communication and true kinship, this helps you strengthen your skills so there are no gaps in your approach. Using the video practice session helps you recognize any gaps there may be and offers perspective on how to close them.

Let’s Journey Together!

Many folx ask if they can work with me after working through the video. Of course! If this is something you’d like to do, you can purchase a one time 1:1 session or a package of 3 sessions and learn how to bring those new awarenesses into your everyday life. 

If you find value and support in my work, please share with a friend or three. If you’re the friend (hello there friend!) you can learn more about my work, subscribe to my newsletter here, listen to the True Kinship With Animals Podcast on your favorite podcast platform, and join me on Instagram.

Support The Free Teachings & A Note On Transparency

 The work I do here is how I choose to show up in the world and support myself. The income I receive brings relief as it enables me to meet my financial responsibilities.

Every week you find my free teachings on the site, the podcast, in this newsletter and on social media. These are free because I want to nurture the practice of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. 

I recognize there are folx who want to work with me but cannot afford a 1:1 session or a visit to the shop. These free teachings are a stopgap that gives you the teachings you’re looking for while giving me the means to meet my financial responsibilities.

I honor the integrity and wisdom of the teachings as well as the time I have spent learning, tending and passing them forward. If you are in a position to pay what you can for them I ask you to do so in a reciprocal exchange of energy.

Thank you!

Thank you for being a part of the true kinship community!


Moving Beyond Your Comfort Zone
