How do you know when it’s time to check in with the animal family? Some folx do regular check-ins while others work with me on an as-needed basis.

What about you? What kind of yardstick do you use?

The seasonal change is a good reminder for a check in. With the Summer/Winter Soltice coming up, why not use that as a cue to do a check-in with the animal family?

Regular check-ins keep you and the animals on top of what’s happening in the family dynamics, ensuring everyone has an up-to-date understanding of each others’ wants and needs. With all being on the same page, regardless of the number of legs, is a good thing, resulting in a more harmonious home for all!

These check-in sessions can look like helping you and the animal family navigate big life changes, a simple ‘what’s up?’, or it can even be focused on creating or monitoring a plan for your true kinship journey with animals.

If this is something you’re ready, to do, click below to get on the June calendar!

“I appreciated my one on one call with Janet and how she challenged me to change my perspective towards my cat and my human centered thinking. I feel her words have rooted in me and helped me [with] how I engage with my cat, which has helped us both find more ease with each other. Thanks Janet!”

Lee W.


Check In With The Podcast

Ep. #87 Reciprocal Relationship With Animals - Wondering about what reciprocal relationship looks like with animals? You’re in the right place - that’s what we’re covering in this episode!

Ep. #58 You Know They’re More Than ‘Just An Animal’ - What happens when society expects you to treat animals as animals but you know in your heart of heart they are kin?

Ep. #9 Finding Your Truth With Animals - What’s true for you when it comes to the animals in your life?

Do you have a true kinship story to share? I bet the listeners would love to hear it! There’s an open call for listeners to submit their true kinship story for consideration on the podcast. Find out more on the podcast page.

On The Blog

From Ownership to Kinship - Imagine working together with animals and co-creating a life together as partners, not as owner and pet paradigm. What would that feel like?

Shoulds Don’t Work - What if instead of ‘shoulding’ animals we followed their lead?

Animals Own Their Experiences - When you and the dog go for a walk, do you have the same experience?


Let’s Flock Together!

Want to stay connected with me on social? Here’s my website, Instagram, Apple Podcasts and Substack.

If you find value and support in this newsletter, please forward it to a friend or three. If you’re the friend (hello there friend!) you can learn more about my work and subscribe to your own copy here.


Support The Free Teachings

Every week you find my free teachings teachings on the site, the podcast, in this newsletter and on social media. These are free because I want to nurture the practice of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. 

I honor the integrity and wisdom of the teachings as well as the time I have spent learning, tending and passing them forward. I ask if you are in a position to pay for them that you do so in a reciprocal exchange of energy. Thank you!

Thank you for being a part of the true kinship with animals community!




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