Hi there. I’m Janet Roper
and I believe we all
do better when ALL
creatures do better.
I show up in the world as neurodivergent and a lifelong extrovert who is becoming less extroverted.
Knowing and working with the Big 3 of my astrology, Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon and Cancer Rising, helps me to stay grounded in the present as well as making me aware of patterns and potential pathways that may (or may not!) be coming my way.
I am cheerfully owned and managed by a multitude of angel animals and several houseplants.
One of my life goals is to live well, so I die well, so I ancestor well.
I claim my elderhood with grace and gratitude and my wavy, flowing hair is a purposeful, conscious expression of that.
It is my desire to uphold the practices of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. For tomorrow, next year, 50 years from now and beyond I envision the animal/human relationship to be deeply seated in agency, reciprocation and mutual respect.
It is a work I persevere in while at the same time not holding expectations of how it ‘should’ or will evolve.
I identify as she/they, white-bodied, and am supported and sustained on Kalispel and Pend d’ ore Land.
It is part of my spiritual practice to recognize and detach from the privilege I have only because of my white body. To that end, I am a willing student of decolonial work and anti-oppression liberation.
Creator, producer, and host of the podcast True Kinship With Animals, I offer the online gathering space Kindred, write & distribute a newsletter about true kinship with animals, and encourage, witness, and support you as you discover your unique journey into true kinship.
How YOU fit in
That’s a little bit about me and how I show up in the world.
If that intrigues you, join me!
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“Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.”
―Margaret J. Wheatly