My Promise
I acknowledge the work and relationship Indigenous, Black, and People of Color have historically shared with Animals and the Natural World. Colonialism destroyed those traditions, resulting in death, enslavement and enforcing settler culture on indigenous Lands, Animals and Peoples. This colonial view is now the accepted perspective of the collective.
As a white person who is moved to do this work and living under colonized systems, it is time I recognize the ways I benefit from and perpetuate settler culture.
As a practitioner of true kinship with animals, I pledge to recognize the descendants and practices of the original Peoples, Land, and Animals. I will not knowingly appropriate their wisdom, nor will I knowingly speak over their voices.
When I have participated in colonialism practices, I will be accountable by publicly acknowledging harmful practice, apologizing and doing the needed reflection and self work to do better in the future.
My Ethics
Revised 11.25.2023
Accept each being’s agency, regardless of species.
Honor all beings, human and beyond human
Respect and support true kinship and the interdependency and agency of all beings
Work only with the express consent of human and beyond human clients.
Respect the privacy of all beings and honor their desire for confidentiality
Cultivate community rather than individualism
Accept both what is mine and what is not mine to do and make referrals if needed