Do You Have Too Much Old Baggage?

Some days when I’m walking the true kinship with animals path, it’s easy-peasy. Everything falls into place and feels organic and natural. I find myself thinking “gee, if only I’d known it was this easy!!!”.

And then there are those other days. 🤦🤮🤦

Something I’m becoming aware of on my true kinship journey is how influenced, even manipulated!, I am by the self talk that goes on in my head. Sometimes it’s called old baggage or old tapes.

Whatever it’s called, my true kinship journey is affected by it. I’ve discovered it plays a bigger role than I like to admit.

What I want to do is pretend everything’s all right and move along with a hearty “this too shall pass”.

Um, no. My experience is it doesn’t pass, but burrows into my head deeper and louder, taking space away from the true kinship I want to foster.

My point is there is more to true kinship than meets the eye.

There is a large part of true kinship, the part we carry inside of us, that was forged by generations past, by family traditions and societal expectations. You’ve been so indoctrinated into these outdated traditions and expectations (you’re not alone!) that you accept them as a part of yourself and true kinship, without recognizing the effects they have on you and the animals.

Until a day arrives and you realize they are standing between you and your embodied experience of true kinship. You realize how restrictive they are. The time has come to see them for what they are and decide if you want to keep them or let them go for a new way of being.

Some folx call it changing your mindset, your attitude or changing your heart. I call it nurturing and tending your connection and commitment to true kinship with animals.

Whatever you choose to call it, without the tools and support to manage that self talk, true kinship becomes staid - a concept that’s stuck in the past instead of being the living, breathing, changing energy that it is.

The Kindred Community is a place where you can bring that restrictive self talk and be amidst like minded folx who get what you’re experiencing, who are working through their own self talk and simultaneously nurturing and tending their own true kinship journey.

In the community you might hear comments like “Yes, that happened to me too! Here’s what helped me……” or “I’m sorry you’re going through that….” or “That’s a tough one…..”.

So while the Kindred Community is not a place to get ‘fixed’, it is a place of supporting and affirming what you’re experiencing. Often, that in itself is enough to help you find your way towards a new mindset, attitude, a new way to nurture and tend your true kinship journey.

That’s some of what happens in the Kindred Community.

I’m going out on a limb here and ask you about one thing that’s been bothering you on your true kinship journey. Even if today is an easy-peasy day, I bet you can come up with one thing!

The Kindred Community can help and support you with that one thing. Why not join for a month and see for yourself?

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Every week you find my free teachings teachings on the site, the podcast, in this newsletter and on social media. These are free because I want to nurture the practice of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. 

I honor the integrity and wisdom of the teachings as well as the time I have spent learning, tending and passing them forward. I ask if you are in a position to pay for them that you do so in a reciprocal exchange of energy. Thank you!




What’s Happening In The Kindred Community