What’s Happening In The Kindred Community

New month, new Kindred teaching! This month’s teaching is “Staying With Presence While Transforming”. Can’t we all use help in staying present to what is as we’re transforming into what is not yet known?

I know I can!!

For those of you not familiar with Kindred, it’s my monthly subscription program that helps you relate to animals through a new place of understanding with monthly teachings, journal prompts, practice suggestions, affirmations, altar suggestions, community forums and Q&A sessions.

Kindred is for anyone who feels stuck between a rock and a hard spot on how society treats animals (as animals) and how you treat them (as kin). It’s for those who are done with society’s archaic beliefs that ‘it’s just an animal’, giving us dominion over them and are ready to forge ahead practicing new ways to relate with animals.

Is that you? If so, there’s an amazing online community waiting for you!

The Details…..

Click the pic below for a bird’s eye view of what’s included with Kindred

What Folx Are Saying…..

"I've been here since the beginning and it is really opening my eyes and my heart. I just love being here!"

— Sandy S. Gambone

A Lived Experience

DISCLAIMER: I am sharing only my lived experience with Squirt and the trainer. This is not intended as advice, a suggestion or a recommendation.

Can you remember a time you wanted to be different with an animal but you were at a loss at how to do so? I remember when dog Squirt came to the family. The highly recommended trainer told me I had to use a choke chain with her. I didn’t want to, I intuited she didn’t need it and I saw with my own eyes she was distressed when I put it on her. BUT, he was the trainer and I was paying $$$ for his wisdom and expertise. To this day I rue following his advice. 😢😢😢

If you’ve had a similar experience, I see you. ❤️

Kindred is a breath of fresh air, showing you new ways to move forward so that you’re not stuck in old familiar and familial patterns. I find being in a new/different environment with like minded folx helps me identify those old patterns. Because the patterns are out of their usual context it’s easier for me to leave them behind and start fresh.

How About A Kindred Test Run?

Join the upcoming free webinar and see for yourself what Kindred is and how it can support you as you’re reimagining your relationship with animals.

WHO: for folx who want to relate to animals from a new place of understanding, are ready to play a part in the paradigm shift to see animals as kin and not ‘just an animal’ and/or are curious about Kindred

WHAT: a free Kindred webinar

WHEN: Tuesday, June 4, 6:00-7:00 PM MOUNTAIN

WHERE: Zoom, information sent after registration

COST: Free

I would love to seeing your shining face at the free webinar!

Support My Free Teachings

Every week you find my free teachings teachings on the site, the podcast, in this newsletter and on social media. These are free because I want to nurture the practice of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. 

I honor the integrity and wisdom of the teachings as well as the time I have spent learning, tending and passing them forward. I ask if you are in a position to pay for them that you do so in a reciprocal exchange of energy.

Thank you!


Do You Have Too Much Old Baggage?


Join The Free Kindred Webinar!