Moving Beyond Your Comfort Zone

When’s the last time you ran up against that fine line of feeling confident with your true kinship skills and pushing up against the edge of not knowing what’s what?

You know what I mean? If you only knew what to do you’d do it, but instead you’re looking over that chasm and realizing you don’t know what you don’t know. 🙄🙄🙄

It’s a Catch-22, for sure.

I know for me, it’s in part that I can only see through the lens of who I am now. Yes, I’ve changed over the years and I see things differently than I did yesterday, much less a decade ago.

Yet, I’m still showing up as the me that I am now, because that’s who I am now!

It helps so much when I’m thrown a lifeline, in the guise of a conversation, a word, a comment or maybe even a picture. Many times that’s enough to give me a “Eureka” moment so that my comfort zone comfortably expands.

We’re all learning to discern our own inner voice which can get lost in the cacophony and chaos of other voices vying for our attention.

One choice is to be self sufficient, to continue searching out answers for ourselves. You know, that ol’ ‘pull yourself up by your own bootstraps’ mantra.

But self sufficiency is a trademark of a colonized society meant to keep us apart from others so that we only know what the systems want us to know, instead of finding out what we need to KNOW.

See the difference?

So here’s my question for you: If you are a lone practitioner of true kinship with animals why not join a community?

BTW, there’s not a wrong or right answer to that question, and there’s not a time frame in which it needs to be answered.

If You Are Ready To Answer That Question

If you’re in that place of not knowing what you don’t know, here are some resources that can help: my blog, the podcast and the Daily Dose on Instagram.

If you’re looking for personalized and focused feedback that’s not available on a post or a podcast, visit Kindred, the true kinship with animals subscription community and see if that’s your next step.

The Kindred Community is for anyone who feels stuck between a rock and a hard spot on how society treats animals (as animals) and how you treat them (as kin). You are ready to relate to animals through a new place of understanding because you have grown beyond society’s dictum of humans having dominion over animals. You are not alone. There’s a place waiting for you in Kindred.

(One of) The cool things about Kindred is there are 3 different levels, giving you the chance to join where you feel called. Beginning at $15.00 USD, you can sample it for a month, get your feet weet and see for yourself if it resonates with you.

(I mean, I could literally tell you about Kindred until I’m blue in the face, and if that’s what you want, I’m happy to do so. But doesn’t it make ever so much more sense for you to try it for youself??)


What Does LOTR & True Kinship Have In Common?
