What Does LOTR & True Kinship Have In Common?

A couple of years ago I was in a meeting with colleagues. This wasn’t a planning, get it done kind of meeting, but a much welcomed (and needed) check in with each other — to see how we were doing, what we needed and how we could support each other.

When it was my turn to speak, I was at a loss of words. Not because I didn’t have any needs or requests, but because it’s challenging for me to ask for support - I don’t want to impose on anyone. I finally mumbled “Think of me when you’re engaging with animals”

Fast forward to a later time….

…..when I was chatting with one of my colleagues from that meeting. We were wrapping up our conversation when she mentioned the request I had made. She said she thought of it as “what would Janet do” and it had deeply resonated with her. It had almost immediately impacted her interactions with her animal family.

Surprised, I asked her what changes she had noticed. She thought for a moment and said “Instead of telling them what to do, I found myself asking them what they wanted, and what worked best for them. I can already see the positive difference it is making in our relationship!”

Enter Stage Right: Ego

Her comments fed my ego for longer than I care to admit. I gave myself 5 gold stars for being a role model and a positive influence. I patted myself on the back for falling into the colonized role of leader, THE one that knows THE way. THE one that knows what’s best for everyone! ACK! 🤦🙄🤢

Then one day there was a figurative lightening bolt where I realized what a bunch of hooey that was!.

The lightening bolt literally happened in between moments. One moment I was (still) patting myself on the back and the next that perspective was not only no longer true, but completely alien.

In hindsight I’m flabbergasted it took me so long to own up to that colonized delusion, but it is what it is, right?

Back To True Kinship

Along with our colonized conditioning, our background and past history adds context to our current practice of true kinship with animals.

The experience I shared above is part of what I bring along with me on my true kinship journey. The 5th grader who signed up for violin lessons to get out of geography class, the adult Janet who picked up and moved cross country 3 times without a job or place to live and the adult Janet who played her violin while riding a horse are also companions on my journey.

I bet your experience is different AND it is what you bring to true kinship. And that’s how it needs to be.

Lord of the Rings

We are are on this true kinship with animals journey together yet each one of us brings something different and that is unique to us on this journey.

In The Fellowship of the Ring, (part 1 of The Lord of the Rings), the hobbits Frodo, Sam, Merry & Pip meet Aragorn, who is leading them to Rivendell, when this great conversation takes place:

Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall.

What about breakfast?

You've already had it.

We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?

I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.

What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?

I wouldn't count on it.

As the hobbits are talking, Aragorn tosses an apple back to Pip for his second breakfast.

It so reminds me of the true kinship journey. We’re in this together, we each bring our unique self, complete with wisdom and quirks, along and we support and help each other.

We create community together as we journey along in true kinship. As a matter of fact, it’s our individuality that builds true kinship and encourages us to know the community in our unique perspective.

How does it get better than that?

Find Out More

The true kinship with animals online community Kindred has a wealth of useful materials to bring along on your true kinship journey. You can scope them out here. And of course, if you have any questions, just let me know.

If you find value and support in this post, please forward it to a friend or three. If you’re the friend (hello there friend!) you can learn more about my work here.


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Moving Beyond Your Comfort Zone