Remembering Memories

The other day my brain and I were meandering through memories when we came to a full hyperfocus stop!! Why? We realized our memories were what we remembered (well yes, hello Janet….) but what was different was the perspective we now viewed them from and the effect that change of perspective had on us.

It was like looking from the view of a completely different person - which is who we now are.

For instance: in the beginning days of my animal communication practice I believed it was enough to talk to the animals and make sure they listened and complied with human requests.

Over the years that believe has taken on a life of its own, morphing into true kinship with animals. Communication with animals is more than conversation, it’s recognizing an animal’s agency as an independent essence who doesn’t need human validation to be authentic.

For about a decade, the words ‘true kinship with animals’ have been inciting new voices, connections and ideas in my head. Showcasing “what if” thoughts and “it doesn’t have to be this way” scenarios that are infused with possibilities.

In all honesty, one thing I’ve wondered……has it been my neurodivergent mind going down a rabbit hole, seeking entertainment or escapism from my reality? Is true kinship just an abstract distraction?


Let Me Introduce You To Kindred

True kinship with animals is relationship with animals in the absence of colonized philosophy which says humans have dominion over animals. That type of thinking turns animals into second class citizens.

True kinship is a systemic change, a major paradigm shift. Right up there with the invention of the wheel. One that shakes loose and shatters the colonized assumptions we have clung to for so long about the animal/human bond.

This kind of change is done in and with community. As author Margaret J Wheatley says “There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” 

The online community Kindred is the natural gathering spot for those yearning to be in true kinship. It’s where those who choose to see their memories and relationship with animals differently from others can gather to share experiences, support and encouragement.

You don’t need to have all the answers to become a Kindred member. As a matter of fact, please don’t! Kindred is where members learn from each other, hold each other accountable and co-create this paradigm shift together.

As you’re thinking about joining Kindred, the question to answer is not “what if I try Kindred and don’t like it?” That’s easy peasy. Try Kindred. If it is not your cuppa tea simply cancel your subscription at any time.

The question to ask is “What if I try Kindred and I like it?” That, my friend, is the question deserving your attention and one only you can answer.

But doesn’t that question sound worth pursuing?


Of Chairs And Trees


Ever Feel Lonely On Your Journey?