Ever Feel Lonely On Your Journey?

Do you ever feel like you’re the only one walking the true kinship with animals path?

If so, I get it. There’s not a lot of us on this path, and it feels - at least to me - that we are spread far and wide across the globe.

(Yoo-hoo! Hello over there!!! 👋👋👋)

I mean, I know a multitude of folx who love their pets, who care for them and do whatever they can to ensure they have a quality filled and loved life.

I honor how exquisitely those animals are loved and cared for. I’m extremely grateful the animals have a loving, safe and secure life, and gratitude galore for the folx caring for them.

AND it’s a different cosmology/perspective between living with animals in true kinship and living with pets.


In true kinship, we are breaking through and leaving behind the colonized perspective that gives humans dominion over animals, making animals 2nd class citizens. We experience animals as sentient beings in their own ways and as our kin.

Folx who love their pets understand your love, care and commitment to your animal family, but may not understand, or even agree with, your decision to walk the true kinship path.

People Tell Me

Folx who practice true kinship tell me they feel disconnected from others on the journey, lonely because they don’t have anyone with whom they can commiserate and share experiences.

I get that too. It’s a heavy burden to carry and plays hard on your self confidence and perhaps even your willingness to keep on the true kinship path.

That’s (in part) why the true kinship with animals online community Kindred, came to be.


I wanted to be with a group of like minded folx who understand animals are kin. I wanted to be a member in a group that was comfortable going down rabbit holes to challenge traditional, colonized beliefs about the animal/human connection.

I yearned for a safe place to share experiences, that offered support and encouragement. The place I was searching for was one where members could learn from each other, hold each other accountable and co-create the true kinship community.

I searched online, couldn’t find what I was looking for and decided to create for myself the community I had in mind.


When you join the online community Kindred you become a member of a purposeful forward-thinking community of like minded folx who are truly welcoming and understanding.

Maybe you:

  • like the accountability Kindred offers as you attend community forums and Q&A sessions

  • are intrigued by round-the-clock access to the growing library of teachings and videos

  • are an extrovert who thrives and is invigorated in group settings

  • are an introvert who relishes exploring new material independently while having backup support as needed

  • want to hang out in the Kindred ambiance so you can get a feel of what it’s about

Come for a month and check it out. With 3 levels to choose from, you can join at the level that tickles your soul and is most aligned with your dreams and goals.

As Margaret Wheatley says: “Very great change starts from very small conversations, held among people who care.”


Remembering Memories


Animal Safety & Fireworks - Part 2