Of Chairs And Trees

I get really REALLY excited when I’m talking about true kinship with animals. It’s how I choose to show up in the world, it’s my passion and one of my favorite ways to co-create a new way of being.

In my excitement, I present a lot of energy, hopeful that you too will join in the true kinship with animals philosophy and community.

Which I hope you will!

AND, I’m starting to realize I may have inadvertently given the impression that a true kinship practice is all about activity, learning and doing. 😿😿😿

My heartfelt apologies! Sure, there are times when true kinship is activity but there are times when it shows up like this:

Sitting in that chair and staring out the window at trees is another way I practice true kinship.

There’s something about the combination of chair and trees that calms me and sweeps all the busy activity out of my mind and body.

The set up gives my neurodivergent mind permission to shut down, to still itself as much as possible.

That chair (it has to be that chair) and the trees literally put distance between what my mind thinks true kinship is and how my body embodies it.

It’s like my mind and body expand when I’m in that spot, because of the absence of the thinking and doing. That opens the way for new and different essences of true kinship to seep in.

We need time away from the physical and doing aspect of true kinship so that true kinship can expand us and lead us in new and different directions.

When I’m there I find, through no intention of my own, that there is the freedom to lean into different aspects of true kinship. And magically (that’s the best word I can think of) an expansion of kinship happens.

There’s something to be said about a percolation period, when true kinship reaches out to me (and you) in the way it wants to instead of what I (or you) think it ‘should’ be.

And isn’t that the very depth and soul of true kinship?

Maybe you don’t have a chair or trees and that’s OK. What do you have that can help you adopt a percolation element into your own true kinship practice? What if you could still yourself and allow true kinship to lead you to that spot?

Thank You For Supporting The Free Teachings!

 The work I do here is how I choose to show up in the world and support myself. The income I receive brings relief as it enables me to meet my financial responsibilities.

Every week you find my free teachings on the site, the podcast, in this newsletter and on social media. These are free because I want to nurture the practice of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. 

I recognize there are folx who want to work with me but cannot afford a 1:1 session or a visit to the shop. These free teachings are a stopgap that gives you the teachings you’re looking for while giving me the means to meet my financial responsibilities.

I honor the integrity and wisdom of the teachings as well as the time I have spent learning, tending and passing them forward. If you are in a position to pay what you can for them I ask you to do so in a reciprocal exchange of energy.

Thank you!


Upcoming Event: Making True Kinship Inevitable


Remembering Memories