Nurturing Your True Kinship Spirit

What does the term ‘nurturing your true kinship spirit” mean to you?

Truthfully, when I joined with the essence of true kinship however many years ago, I didn’t give it much thought.

I just thought of it as being cool, a new-on-the-edge way to be with animals, an innovative way to market my business. (Can you tell I’m an Aquarius ♒ ???)

What little thought I did give to it was:

  • it was enough for me to grok that animals have their own agency

  • true kinship with animals meant the animals were the ones who needed to change! 😮😮😮 (Uffda, how wrong could I be? What a colonized concept of true kinship that is!)

  • practicing true kinship was just a laundry list of points that were to be learned in the colonized way: set goals, break the goals into manageable steps, focus on one skill at a time, work to overcome barriers to the goals, set more goals and shazam! true kinship was conquered! (Again, how wrong could I be??? 🤷‍♀️)

Still, I forged ahead. I truly thought I was supposed to be a true kinship teacher.

Over the years I sorted through the puzzle of teaching true kinship. How best was I to convey what true kinship is? In a previous newsletter Community? Audience? I mentioned as a former professional musician, I know how to perform. As a former teacher, I know how to teach.


True kinship, being what it is, is intangible and unquantifiable. If I were to teach it, I would be defining true kinship by my standards and limiting its essence to my words and experiences.

For true kinship to come alive, it needs to be lived and experienced by each person in their own way, in their own time and with animals that are in their sphere of life who are willing to participate

However, my purpose is to offer opportunities where you can experience true kinship for yourself.

So I’m offering you the opportunity to join Kindred, a place where you can nurture your true kinship spirit! 😌

Does true kinship sound like something you’ve been yearning for? If so, I invite you to check out Kindred, the true kinship with animals membership site. Here you will find community, connection and the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded folx.

When it comes down to it, true kinship is about branching and reaching out, nurturing and tending. Quite the opposite of the colonized hyperindividualism that is ingrained into us, wouldn’t you say?

Why not invest into building and nurturing your relationship with true kinship as a stepping stone to co-creating relationship with animals?

…if you’re feeling frustrated people expect you to treat animals as animals and not as kin (how could they??)

…if you find yourself treading the well worn path of hyperindividualism AGAIN? STILL? (don’t worry, you’re not alone)

…if you want to take part in the evolution of shifting the relationship between humans and animals, be a beacon for your friends and family and have an impact on future generations (to infinity and beyond! 🚀)


I’m All About That Bling, ‘Bout That Bling, No Treble

As I’m planning the bling additions for the shop, Megan Trainor’s video It’s All About The Bass keeps playing in my head. An earworm! Help me get rid of it!

Here are the product plans so far: The files are being created (mug, hoodie, baseball cap, leash, journal and stickers) and I’ll be posting pics as soon as I can. Now I'm researching how to create the store, this is fun! I've already got a couple of ideas for some more products What else would you like to see added to the store?

Tell Me Your Shop Ideas!


Upcoming Event: What Do You Do When An Animal Crosses Your Path?


Let’s Talk About Change