Let’s Talk About Change

Before you read this my friend, take a deep fortifying breath because we’re going to be talking change.


I *like* to think I’m good at change, after all I’m an Aquarius with an Aries moon. But I’m starting to think that may not be true.

I’ve moved across country 3 times and everything worked out well. Adopting the animal family members over the years was done with complete confidence and trust.

In preparing for the moves and the animal family, I made the plans, carried them out and made needed adjustments as I went along.

Bazinga. Done.

For some reason though, that doesn’t work for me now like it did in the past……or perhaps I just thought it worked for me in the past. Who knows. 🤷‍♀️

But those everyday little changes I’m now trying to make??? Not so much. Going to bed and falling asleep at a decent hour is essentially impossible for me. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT I set the intent of simply closing my eyes and getting at least 6 hours of sleep. So far it hasn’t worked.

My take away from all of this is “good intentions alone do not make change”. 🙄🙄🙄

What about you? How are you doing in your day-to-day relationship with change?

Bringing This Around To True Kinship

Since I joined with the essence of true kinship, change has been a constant companion. Living in true kinship is not only living in change but learning to be at ease with it. Or at least less discomforted by it. Sounds easy, right? Yet I, like so many of you, work hard to do that.

One reason we’re resistant to change (and this is a BIG one)

The unwillingness to change is rooted in the colonized culture which benefits from either/or thinking - ‘you’re either with us or against us’. To thrive, that culture depends on things remaining the same. Change threatens the system itself, and therefore is discouraged and impeded.

When you join with the essence of true kinship, you’re not only learning a new way to be in relationship with animals, you’re going against tradition and cultural norms that maintain animals are subservient to humans.

True kinship with animals is ever present, it doesn't come and go like a delivery person. It's not something you work on 'doing’, but something you tune into. See the difference?

In true kinship an animal’s agency is recognized and respected. Their existence and experiences are not validated through the human lens.

It Can Be Challenging

With the animal family I was convinced my intent for them was always in their best interest. I wanted what I thought was essential for their well being and that it was “my job” to provide that.

An example: dog Max (pictured above) detested going to doggie day care. Each time I dropped him off he cowered in the car, not wanting to get out. He’d return home at the end of the day utterly exhausted. I ignored my inner warning voice, and tried to convince myself he was tired from a fun day of play. It wasn’t until an incident at the day care that I realized how wrong I was and how Max had suffered because of it.

In hindsight, I recognize I took him to doggie daycare for my convenience. Has something like that happened to you?

The Willingness To Change

When it comes to change, I start by looking for the willingness to change. Change and the willingness to change are two different concepts. When the willingness to change is missing, I find change itself improbable.

For me, the willingness to change is found in community. Why? Because in community we act as mirrors for each other, there is support and a sense of belonging.

In an earlier post That Gooey Mess of Change, I highly recommended not going it alone when it comes to change.

I stand by that.

Nourish Your Willingness With Kindred

Kindred is the true kinship with animals online membership community.

It is a breath of fresh air, showing you new ways to move forward in your relationship with animals. It is a gathering place for like-minded folx who are serious about making a change for animals and recognize that starts by changing yourself.

Consciously deciding to change yourself is courageous. As you’re in the midst of change, not quite who we were and not quite who you’re becoming, life can be unpredictable and daunting. It’s invaluable being in the midst of like-minded folx who get what you’re going through and can offer support and encouragement.

Give Kindred a try. Starting at only $15.00 USD monthly there are 3 levels to choose from. Try it for a month and notice the difference it makes for you.

Is it time for you to come into alignment with the change in your life?

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