My Favorite Things About 1:1 Sessions

The other day I had a 1:1 session with a long time human client and a new animal family member. The session went well - everyone was relaxed and receptive, concerns were addressed, possibilities were co-created amongst the 2 and 4 leggeds and the recording and requested links was sent off.

When I got off Zoom, I was squeeing with jubilation! Here’s why:

I love what I do: helping animals & humans connect & co-create. This is how I’m meant to show up in the world.

That’s definitely squee-worthy IMO 😃

When folx schedule a session with me, they are in search of so much more than mere solutions and problem solving. They are seeking:

  • A heartfelt connection with animal family members

  • A way to bring together the wants and dreams of all family members into co-existence

  • A solution that’s co-created with animal family members and works for all

  • Support and confidence in bringing forth new ways of being together in true kinship

  • A way of being that’s comfortable for the humans and the animals

  • Support, encouragement and fellowship on this unique journey

Did I miss anything? What are your essentials when it comes to co-creating true kinship with the animal family? I can help you bring those to life.

If you’re like me when contemplating working with someone new, you like to get a feel of what that person is like and what it would be like to work together. Excellent, that sounds good to me and I’ve got you covered on that!

Schedule your free 30-ish minute discovery call Bring your cuppa, I’ll bring my cuppa and I look forward to joining you in a 30ish minute coffee chat!

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Thank you for taking this step in investing in and tending your true kinship with animals journey through my free on line teachings. Your contribution shows the dedication to your personal journey and it makes my work sustainable. Click below to contribute. Thank you!


Let’s Talk About Change


Let’s Connect AND Let There Be Bling!!!