Let’s Connect AND Let There Be Bling!!!

What’s up, what’s new, what’s available in the world of true kinship with animals.

1:1 Email Consultations

In today’s hectic world your day may not be going as planned (welcome to the club!) making it hard to squeeze in an hour for a live animal communication session. Is that you? No worries, I’ve got your back with an email consult. One-time email consultations are for folx like you who want a one-time insight into a particular matter, but aren’t able to fit in a Zoom session. A benefit to an email consult is you have the session in writing and can refer back to it as needed. Once you’ve purchased your session all you have to do is fill out the form and you will receive your reply within 3 business days. How does it get better than that?


I would ❤️love❤️ your input on what you’d like to see added to the true kinship with animals shop. Currently there’s ways we can connect via Kindred, 1:1 consults on Zoom, 1:1 email consults and live group calls. There’s also the ebook “Return of the Listeners”, the Beginning Animal Communication Workshop Video and Gift Certificates.


I’m thinking mugs, stickers, journal, t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, cat and dog food and water bowls. Maybe even leashes and collars. What would you like to see there? Better yet, if the animal family member is open to sharing what they would like and is OK with you sharing, I’d love to hear from them too. Many thanks!

Since the July “What’s New” update, the weather has been atrocious, between 100-110 degrees in Montana. It zapped me, not leaving any energy to create new podcasts. I’m sharing some of the audience’s all time favorites and hope you will enjoy them too!

Ep. #90 What Does True Kinship and LOTR Have In Common?

Ep. #81 The Rainbow Bridge and True Kinship With Guest Stacie P. Mason

Ep. #63 Is It Easier To Relate To Animals Than People? With Guest Kelley Harrell

When It Comes To Shoulds - Written with those of us in mind who worry we won’t do things ‘right’

Of Chairs and Trees - There’s something about the combination of chair and trees that calms me and sweeps all the busy activity out of my mind and body.

Community? Audience? - As a former professional I craved an audience. Now, I yearn for community. Here’s how I experience the difference between community and audience.

Join Me On Social

Want to stay connected with me on social? Here’s my website, Instagram, Apple Podcasts and Substack.

If you find value and support in this newletter, please forward it to a friend or three. If you’re the friend (hello there friend!) you can learn more about my work and subscribe to your own copy here.



Thank you for taking this step in investing in and tending your true kinship with animals journey through my free on line teachings. Your contribution shows the dedication to your personal journey and it makes my work sustainable. Click below to contribute. Many thanks!

Glad you’re a part of the true kinship with animals community!


My Favorite Things About 1:1 Sessions


Let’s Do A Virtual Coffee!