Let’s Do A Virtual Coffee!

Or if you prefer virtual tea, that works for me too. ☕☕

Let's chat and get to know a little bit about each other. Our compassion for animals is a good starting point, don’t you think?

I’d love to hear your story and would be happy to tell you about myself and my core acceptance of animals as kin during our coffee/tea chat.

Let’s also talk about what it might be like to work together. BTW, this conversation is both confidential and complementary. How does it get better than that?

Bring your cuppa, I’ll bring my cuppa and I look forward to joining you in a 30ish minute coffee chat!


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Thank you for taking this step in investing in and tending your true kinship with animals journey through my free on line teachings. Your contribution shows the dedication to your personal journey and it makes my work sustainable. Click below to contribute. Many thanks!

Thank you!


Let’s Connect AND Let There Be Bling!!!


August 2024 In The Kindred Community