Upcoming Event: What Do You Do When An Animal Crosses Your Path?

The other day I had a mind-blowing revelation, changing life as I knew it from one moment to the next.

I realized I am so much more than who I was allowed to be as a kid. Because of those restrictive childhood beliefs, I had unconsciously buried some of my vital essences FOR DECADES.

Especially my deep felt connection with animals.

I can now openly acknowledge and claim that part of myself. I can also admit that my relationship with animals is more than how social, cultural and religious norms define it.

Sound familiar, can you relate? Is there a part of your compassion for animals that might have been hidden and you’re now ready to acknowledge?

If so let’s show up together on a group call and explore ways we can co-exist with animals, with each species standing in their agency.

Register For The Call

When: Tuesday, September 24

Time: 6:00 PM MOUNTAIN (Find your time here.)

Cost: $39.00 USD


About The Call

On this call we’ll be talking about relating with animals in a way that is rooted in coexistence with them and not on what we need or want from them.

Joining the call means:

👍 You’re with a group of like-minded folx who believe animals are kin and not ‘just’ an animal

👍 You’ll learn about co-existing in true kinship

👍 You’ll get ideas, tips and suggestions for returning to true kinship when you default to old habits of being human. Happens to all of us, for sure!

👍 You get the chance to see for yourself how true kinship can settle into your life

Once you’re registered, you’ll receive the call information. The event is 60 minutes and happens in real time, no recording, no refunds.

Whether you’re a newbie, a long-time practitioner or somewhere in-between, if you’re walking the true kinship with animals path I invite you to join the call and get a taste of the support you gain being in community with like-minded folx. Bring your questions, your concerns and leave with ideas, motivation and confidence for your true kinship journey!


Nurturing Your True Kinship Spirit