On Transactions And Reciprocity

I want to share with you something I’ve been turning over in my mind the past couple of months: running an online business in a capitalistic society. This has been inspired by the work of Kening Zhu, an artist who guides creatives and entrepreneurs to build worlds on the Internet. Thank you Kening!

Speaking as a Boomer, with few exceptions I have chosen to be self employed while living as a single, childless woman in a capitalistic society that views self employment, particularly for women, outside of the acceptable work ethic.

This has left me feeling pressured into packaging and commoditizing true kinship with animals work in order to survive, leaving me feeling cornered and resentful. 

If there’s one thing I know for sure is true kinship is not meant to be packaged or commoditized and I’m done with feeling cornered and resentful. I guess that’s two things 😺

True kinship is a vessel of change that offers a vision and perspective from the future, not one that is marooned in the present, defined by archaic colonized systems.

I’m done feeling trapped so I’m changing my work model.

If you would like to collaborate in some way with me, the choices are the traditional, transactional way and reciprocity.

When we collaborate in reciprocity, what you’re actually doing is supporting the creative process of bringing true kinship into the present. Reciprocity is not quid pro quo but always optional, yet its value is boundless. When you click the link you’ll find out more.

Collaborating in transactions is characterized by clear expectations and responsibilities for a set financial fee. Examples of that are 1:1 sessions, Kindred and the Bling! Collection.

I’m curious to hear which calls to you. How about dropping me a note and letting me know?


Jumping Into True Kinship


Join The Call: When True Kinship Isn’t True Kinshipping