Jumping Into True Kinship
Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash
Let’s just jump into this post, shall we? No intro, no overview
3 2 1 JUMP!
“What would it be like to change your notion of true kinship from one of a structured, prescribed concept to one of an ever-moving, ever-changing kaleidoscope?”
Let’s explore that a little more.
True kinship with animals in not relationship in a box. It’s not a canned relationship where you do A and your expectation is the animal will do B. Well, let me clarify……you can certainly expect the animal to do B, but that is not guaranteed. After all, animals, like us, have their own agency.
True kinship is recognizing and honoring relationship between animals and humans with each species standing in their own unique agency. That distinct relationship is an ever changing blend of yours and the animals wisdom, needs, desires and experiences. It is not about control, it is not about wielding undue influence over another sentient being.
True kinship with animals is finding yourself in relationship with another sentient being that is not competitive or comparative, but unfolds in co-creative and conscious reality.
Important to keep in mind: when we act from our authentic agency, we are breaking away from colonized control, designed to keep us hooked into the belief animals are subservient to humans.
Think of your your true kinship journey as a WIP - a work in progress. Because that’s what it is. There’s no beginning and no ending as there is for the colonized concept of a WIP. There is no right way or wrong way to true kinship, but there is your true kinship that is walked in conjunction with animals.
That is ever changing.
Here Are Some Ways To Work In True Kinship
Be present, often there’s no need to actively do anything
Recognizing agency lowers the risk of anthropomorphism
Recognize we have a shared reality nurtures awareness
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