Join Kindred, The Online True Kinship Community


Go From: 'I don’t know…'

To: 'Yes I Can!'

When you don’t emvision yourself connecting with animals in true kinship, it’s a challenge to do so. 

You may not be familiar with that word “emvision”. That’s because I just made it up. It’s similar to the word “embody” meaning to give expression to an emotion or concept. Emvision is bringing the physical within you where you can see (emvision) the many potentials of what may become.

Pretending, or faking it ‘til you make it no longer works, if it ever did. We are called to be authentic, inclusive and to move from power-over to relationship-with.

Yet it’s hard to be authentic in a society that values inauthenticity and benefits from it. I know, I tried that for years decades and the only thing I learned was “authentic inauthenticity” is not what it’s cracked up to be.

At least IMO and especially when it comes to relationship with animals.

Animals are the first to know when you’re faking it and they’re superb at calling you out. Think of the last time you tried to get something past a domesticated animal family member and they were having no part of it. Did they give you that look? Did you get the one that says “I’m on to you but I’ll play along” or did you get the one that says “I’m outta here!”

We’re often not aware of practicing authentic inauthenticity, because we believe we’re doing what’s best for the animals. I mean, neither you nor I would intentionally do anything to harm animals. We’re doing what we think is best for them, based on the principles and ethics of animal professionals and trusted peers. NOW…..

It’s time to access your deep connection with animals by understanding them in kinship instead of through societal conditioning

Ready To Boldly Go?

Leaving authentic inauthenticity behind can be daunting. It takes courage and stamina, the willingness to boldly go where no [person] has gone before, paraphrasing Captain James T Kirk of the U.S.S Enterprise.

Before boldly going, take time to boldly assess your personal authentic inauthenticities. I’m going to go out on an incredibly sturdy limb and say you, I and a multitude others have many of these in common.

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

✅ I don’t know enough about true kinship

✅ I don’t know what else to do

✅ If it works for the neighbor’s dog, why doesn’t it work on Buddy?

✅ What if I make a mistake?

✅ I just can’t try that now

✅ I don’t think true kinship is my cuppa tea

These are often followed by the assumption ‘therefore true kinship is not for me’.

Regardless of how many you ticked off, the essence of true kinship with animals is alive.

Why not greet it and leave the authentic inauthenticities behind?


What’s Important Here

It’s not what I think is possible for you, but that you recognize your yearning for a new understanding of relationship with animals, one based in kinship and not societal conditioning.

Sometimes simply having someone say to you “I see you, I witness your dreams and how you step towards them” is enough to light the spark on your true kinship path.

The spark that was uniquely yours all along.


Let’s Do This Together

True kinship with animals is not a one and done deal, it’s a way of life. It’s changing your cosmology so that you’re meeting animals in a new place of understanding, one not based on authentic inauthenticity and societal conditions.

The good news is there’s no need to do this by yourself, this work is meant to be done in community. As a matter of fact, going solo is the antithesis of true kinship!

Kindred is the true kinship with animals membership site which believes animals are kin, have their own agency and are not subordinate to human whims and desires.

As you journey with true kinship, you chip away at cultural conditioning that says “it’s just an animal” and begin to dismantle cultural authentic inauthenticities.

What would it be like if more folx practiced true kinship? What if someone is influenced by your true kinship journey? When you practice true kinship, you can be an inspiration to others!

Is it time to get support on your own journey? Are you ready to leave authentic inauthenticity behind and dive into your authentic authenticity with others in Kindred?

Start Now

In the Kindred community, we share stories, ideas, learn from each other & connect with like-minded folx.

Beginning at only $15.00 USD monthly, there are 3 levels in Kindred . Monthly everyone receives the teachings, a live Q&A session and unlimited access to the ever-growing library of tools and resources. Different levels also offer journal prompts, practice suggestions, affirmations, altar suggestions and a monthly community forum.

Which level will take you to your dream of being in true kinship with animals?

Join at the level you wish, participate in your way, at your speed.

Don’t Take My Word


Join me on the true kinship journey. Ready? I look forward to seeing you there!


When It Comes To Shoulds


Community? Audience?