For when things get hard.
A 3-session package helping you and your animal pal get through big life events. Things like anticipatory grief, death, moves, returning to work after Covid, new animal or human family members, or changes in the health and wellbeing of a family member.
I know how hard it can be to communicate well when you’re going through hard times. In the face of the difficult circumstances you’re dealing with, I’ll help you & your animal pals communicate clearly and trust each other more.
— Janet Roper
Lighten is not your typical animal communication experience. I approach the relationship you have with animal family members as kinship. Everyone has an equal voice, and the point is to help everyone as they learn to communicate more clearly and trust each other more. The way you relate with each other will become something you can rely on for a lifetime.
Lighten is for people, just like you, who want to make a deepening commitment with animals. You are partners and you want to support and care for them, but you are no longer willing to be called ‘owner’. You recognize it’s not ‘just’ the human’s way or ‘just’ the animal’s way, but a viable blend of the two.
Ask about a payment plan.
Our conversations become a safe place for you and your animal pal to bring your fears and anxieties about the circumstances you’re in. We’ll focus on helping you connect with each other and come to a deeper understanding of each others wants and needs.
I bring a blend of compassion, intuitive conversation and guidance, forthright dialogue, and a dose of cheer as you create the solutions you’re both looking for.
You want to do what’s best for your animal and you. I’m here to help.
How Lighten Works:
We’ll meet three times over a three month period by Zoom video chat to explore your concerns, improve communication and find solutions.
Our meetings are a combination of animal communication, discussion and mentoring, tailored to meet your unique needs.
I’m available between sessions for up to four Email, Voxer or Messenger check-ins for those-in-the moment questions or concerns that arise. My goal is to make sure you feel supported every step of the way.
Based on your unique situation I will offer referrals to complementary practitioners, help in changing old patterns to new more helpful ones and as much support, accountability and cheerleading as you would like.
Is for more than just one animal, includes the entire animal family, living or deceased