Join The Kindred March Open House

Are you questioning everything you’ve been taught about animals?

You’re not alone.

Learning to not claim dominion over animals while living in a world that claims dominion over animals is rough AND the journey is so much more doable and comfortable when you’re in a community of like minded folx.

During March, I’m offering a True Kinship With Animals Open House, offering you an embodied experience of what it is and what it’s like to be in true kinship.


If you’re not familiar with true kinship with animals, or are fuzzy around the edges about what it is, here you go:

As I practice it, true kinship with animals is:

  • relating to animals from a new place of understanding because you are growing beyond society’s expectations of how animals ‘should’ be treated

  • bringing agency and intentionality into your relationship with animals as you recognize and honor theirs

  • tending your commitment with animals through self awareness, commitment to change & community


If you’re not sure of who I am (or are kinda fuzzy around the edges about that) you can find out about me here. In a nutshell I’m an animist who is passionate about discovering, practicing and nurturing authentic ways of being in true kinship with animals because I’ve started to disengage from societal expectations and the status quo.

You know, leaving that archaic and toxic mind set “it’s just an animal” behind.


The open house provides you with a virtual walk through Kindred giving you a chance to check it out and get a feel for it.

It takes place on Substack and here on the blog, with Substacr being the epicenter of it all. You’ll be seeing pieces from this month’s teaching, “Staying With Your Presence” and become acquainted with the Monthly Add Ons: an affirmation, journal prompts, altar suggestions and practice suggestions.

The information is presented in different ways, written, audio, visual and live events so that you can connect in the way(s) that’s easiest and most resonant with you.

Below are a couple of ways you can get started: an episode from the True Kinship With Animals Podcast on how to be compassionate with yourself in this journey and a little something you can print out and save if you like.

Ep 53 - In Short: True Kinship and Compassionate Witnessing For Yourself Available on your favorite podcast platform. Click on the graphic above to download and save.

Come to as many or as few events as you’d like, they’ll all be listed here in the newsletter. They’re free and if you’re so inclined, bring a friend with you. Open houses are always more fun with friends.


Podcast Ep 17: Observing Animals


Podcast Ep 83: Stories About True Kinship With Animals