Change. It’s here, it’s inevitable, it’s a constant, it’s eternal.

And we’re not Lone Rangers - we don’t have to go through it alone. One of my all time favorite quotes is from Margaret Wheatley:

Very great change starts from very small conversations, held among people who care.

Let’s do it - let’s have a conversation!

If you’re someone (like me) who wants to honor who you are and explore how you live in change in a way that is gentle with you and the animals you may find this call of interest. 

I invite you to jump on the upcoming call “Mirror Mirror Who Am I?” and experience what it’s like to gentle your way through change in a group of like minded folx. Since it’s coming up in the near future I want to make sure you’ve got everything you need to know to register.

Here are the details:

Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2024 


Location: Zoom Meeting information sent after registration

Cost: $39.00USD

This live group call is for anyone who is transforming AND wants to experience that change in a way that honors how you and animal family members are navigating it. It’s helpful to have others witness your experience so that you feel seen and not like you’re making all of this up in your head!

Together, we'll support and validate what you’re experiencing and look at some ways to work with the change so that’s it’s gentle.

This is a part of the offering Live Group Calls. The calls are intentionally kept intimate with no more than 10 folx attending.  They are based on live attendance and are not recorded. They are a place to hold safe conversations that are deep and genuine, with the potential of sustaining ongoing change in your relationship with animals. If desired, attendees will have a chance to share what’s currently unfolding between yourself and animals. If it’s welcomed, I might ask questions to deepen the conversation. This is a place where your story is witnessed, not fixed or taken away. What’s expressed here is confidential.

These conversations are 60 minutes and happen in real time, no recording, no refunds.

If this feels right to you, save your seat for this call and deepen your understanding and commitment to your true kinship journey for the animals and yourself.

I am excited about the potential this call can hold for you, and maybe you’re feeling some excitement about it too! Feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might be looking for a place to participate in the conversation.

Thank you for being a part of the true kinship community!

Support My Free Teachings

Every week you find my free teachings teachings on the site, the podcast, in this newsletter and on social media. These are free because I want to nurture the practice of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. 

I honor the integrity and wisdom of the teachings as well as the time I have spent learning, tending and passing them forward. I ask if you are in a position to pay for them that you do so in a reciprocal exchange of energy. Thank you!


Podcast Ep. 41: True Kinship Is Not A Glamour Shot


Change Within Your Comfor Zone