Animal Communication And Animism

Originally published October 16, 2018

I've had a lot on my mind lately, the wheels have been turning, I've been down some rabbit holes trying to sort things out and see how all the puzzle pieces fit together. The enigma is all about connecting with sentient non-human beings and how to be in right relationship with the human and non-human beings with whom we share our planet.I'd like to share my thoughts with you, see what you think about it. But first, some background on where I'm coming from.

The Background

I have worked as an animal communicator for decades. Each animal and person has brought their own creative and sentient self to the sessions, and each one has left an imprint on me in some way, shape or form. It's been a memorable journey, for sure!

When I first started working as an animal communicator, I was tickled pink that I would be able to help the animals in this way. As I worked with more clients, both human and non-human, I realized it wasn't just about the animal, but about the animal and their human. I then realized that it wasn't just about the animals and their humans, but it also included me.

That was both a shock and an eye opener for me. But in hindsight, it makes perfect sense because We All Do Better When ALL Creatures Do Better, which includes each and every one of us.

While some people consider connecting intuitively and working with the animals through communication a spiritual journey, I don't. All of us - animals, humans, stones, plants, mountains, water, sky, thunder, etc. - have a shared reality here in the physical world and it is in the grounded, physical world where we need to meet, create our relationships and do our work together.

Sure, there are definitely times when I'm connected to guides and spirits who are not of our physical world, but the purpose of those connections is for me to act as messenger, bringing the information from the non-physical world back to the physical world and putting it into action here.


For me, animism is what makes it possible to be in right relationship with all here in the physical world, and what allows me to meet with non physical guides and teachers and bring that information back to put into place in the physical world.

Learning about animism is one of the key tools that has helped me fit many of those stray, enigmatic puzzle pieces together. I first heard about it almost three years ago when I began a shamanic intensive study.

Animism is considered to be the oldest religion and it's a way that helps us experience the world that is greater than our own individual understanding and scope. Animism perceives all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, words, computers, cars, pencils—as animated and alive. Being animated and alive means that each non-human being has its own agency, or autonomy.

What this means is that with each beyond-human (and human too, of course) being we encounter, we work to cultivate reciprocal, respectful relationship, rather than ones based on power over another.

While this concept is fairly easy to comprehend with animals (but there is still a lot to learn and practice with this), it's probably more difficult to take in with, say, a teacup. But look at life from the teacup's perspective - it's probably safe to say that the teacup doesn't want to have old tea sitting in it for days, it doesn't want to be thrown and broken, it wants to be cleaned, cared for and respected so it can do its job in bringing you your favorite tea to enjoy. You and the teacup have a respectful, mutually shared experience, to which you both have agreed.

I know, believe me, I really do know, this concept may be foreign to a lot of you and it's a lot to take in. After all, we’re taught that humans have dominion over everything. But just because that’s mainstream teaching doesn’t mean it’s true.

Should you be ready to explore more about animism, check out my podcast, True Kinship With Animals, which is available on your favorite podcast platform. If you’d like to schedule a discovery call, you’ll find that under the contact tab.


Humans, Entitlement And Animism


What I Bring To The Table