A Conversation Worth Having

Our stories matter, our life experiences matter. AND in the hurly-burly of life we can end up putting our stories, ourselves and those dear to us last when we’re governed by societal expectations.

I don’t know about you, but that’s something I have never meant to do. I have always meant to be there for and with my animal family.

I now recognize when animal family members were alive I would take short cuts with them as I tried to live up to societal expectations. I was trying to be the “be all and end all”, burning the candle at both ends and denying the inevitable fallout.

I will always regret not spending more barn time with horse Shiloh.

If only there had been a dedicated time and place to have meaningful conversations about what I was experiencing. I believe that would have made the world of difference for me. And animal family members.

I’m offering you a dedicated time and place to join me in a live group call Thursday, February 29 at 6PM Mountain on Zoom.

This live group call is built on being present to in depth, nuanced conversation about co-creating a new way to be with animals. It is a place of support and perseverance while at the same time not holding expectations of how our conversation ‘should’ or will evolve.

We explore what it’s like to be in your unique relationship with animals from a new place of understanding. One that discards the false and outdated teachings about animals that you were taught early on (we all were!!!) and still carry around (we all do!!!). 

  • What does that mean?

  • What does it look like?

  • How do you break with tradition and move to your heart-centered view of animals as kin?.

Maybe you’re reminded you’ve been meaning to look for a place like this and it got lost in the hurly burly of life. If so, I invite you to attend. You are welcomed and supported here as you nurture and tend to your truth with animals.

This is the first call in a new offering of Live Group Calls. The calls are intentionally kept intimate with no more than 10 folx attending. They are based on live attendance and are not recorded. They are a place to hold safe conversations that are deep and genuine, with the potential of sustaining ongoing change in your relationship with animals. If desired, attendees will have a chance to share what’s currently unfolding between yourself and animals. If it’s welcomed, I might ask questions to deepen the conversation. This is a place where your story is witnessed, not fixed or taken away. What’s expressed here is confidential.

I’d love to have you there to inaugurate this new service with me!

Come with your questions, your stories. Wherever you are in your relationship with animals, it can always be deepened.


Podcast Ep 83: Stories About True Kinship With Animals


Podcast Ep 15: As Your Animals Age